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Post Information: A walk-in interview will be conducted on 10th & 11th March 2025 to prepare a panel of Part Time/Contractual Teachers for the academic session 2025-26.

Important Informations

Walk-in-Interview for preparing panel for engagement of Teachers and other Staff Members on Contractual basis for the session 2025-26 are scheduled to be conducted in the Vidyalaya premises as per the schedule

Post Details :

1. Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT):

  1.  (a) Qualification: Bachelor Degree and B.Ed. with at least 50% marks in the concerned subjects/ combination of subjects and in aggregate. Subject-wise details are given as under:
    (i) TGT (Sanskrit, Hindi, English): Having respective subjects in all the three years of Degree Course
    (ii) TGT (Social Science): Having any two of the following: History, Geography, Economics and Pol. Science of which one must be either History or Geography.
    (iii)TGT (Math) – Degree in Math with any two of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science and Statistics.
    (iv) TGT (Science) – Bachelor’s Degree in Botany, Zoology and Chemistry.
    b. Cleared CTET-II conducted by CBSE in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE.
    c. Remuneration: Rs.31250/- per month on pro-rata basis.
  2. Primary Teachers (PRT) Qualification: Senior Secondary School Certificate or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent & Pass in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test(CTET-I conducted by the CBSE in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose or JBT/B.El.Ed/D.El.Ed. Competence to teach through Hindi & English media. Remuneration : Rs.
    26250/- per month on pro-rata basis.
  3. Relaxation: Where suitable CTET candidates are not available for TGTs/PRTs in such case the condition ‘b´ given under para 1 may be relaxed as per EXTANT RULES OF KVS.
  4. Computer Instructor (To teach class III to X): Qualification: B.E/B. Tech (computer science) or Post Graduate Degree in any subject with Post Graduate diploma in computer application from Govt. recognized institution or equivalent qualification. Preference will be given to those who have training & experience in hardware. Remuneration: Rs. 31250/- per month.
  5. Regional Language Instructor: 1. B.A. in Manipuri 2. BEd. & STET(Meetei Mayek) Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications. Remuneration : Rs. 23500 /- per month.
  6. Yoga Teacher – Bachelor’s Degree with one year training in Yoga from recognized university. Remuneration: Rs. 26250/-
  7. Nurse: Qualification – ANM/GNM/Diploma/Degree in Nursing; Remuneration – Rs. 750/- per working day
  8. Special Educator: Qualification: 1. XII th passed and two-year D.Ed. Special Education in any of the category of disability. OR
    2. XII th passed and one year Diploma in Special Education (DSE) in any of the category of disability. OR                                                                                3. Diploma in Community Based Rehabilitation (DCBR) with 6 months Certification course in Education of Children with Special Needs. OR
    4. Post Graduate Diploma in Community Based Rehabilitation (PGDCBR) with 6 months certificate course in Education of Children with Special Needs. OR
    5. Diploma in Multi Rehabilitation Worker (MRW) with 6 months Certificate course in Education of Children with Special Needs. OR
    6. Junior Diploma in Teaching the Deaf. OR
    7. Primary level Teacher Training course in Visual Impairment. OR
    8. Diploma in Vocational Rehabilitation- Mental Retardation (DVR-MR) / Diploma in Vocational Training and Employment – Mental Retardation (DVTE-MR) with 6 months Certificate in Education of Children with Special Needs. OR
    9. Diploma in Dearing Language and Speech (DHLS) with 6 months Certificate course in Education of Children with Special Needs. OR
    10. XII passed with any RCI recognized qualification of minimum one year duration and 6 months Certificate course in Education of Children with Special Needs. OR
    11. Graduate with B.Ed. (Special Educator) or B.Ed. with 2 years diploma with Special Education. Or
    12. Post Graduate Professional Diploma in Special Education. Or
    13. Any other equivalent Qualification Approved by Rehabilitation Council of India Or CTET (Paper-II) conducted by CBSE Any other equivalent qualification approved by RCI
    Remuneration: Rs. 26250/-
  9. Desirable for All Posts: Knowledge of Computer Applications and proficiency to teach in English and Hindi

Mode of Interview

It will be a Personal Interview through which candidates’ academic knowledge, pedagogy & teaching skills and real time performance will be assessed.

Interview Date and Vanue

Sl. No. Post Date & Time of Reporting
1 TGT (Science, Maths, Social Science and Sanskrit), Computer Instructor, Yoga Instructor and Special Educator, Nurse 10-03-2025 8:00 am sharp
2 TGT (English and Hindi), PRT and Regional Language Instructor (Meitei Mayek) 11-03-2025 8:00 am sharp
Vanue: Kendriya Vidyalaya Akampat, Khurai Lamlong Bazar

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